(Un)favourable climate patterns 15.5 million years ago 22.10.2019.

Based on the fossils from the lake sediment discovered at Poljanska site and the analogy of living conditions with present-day plant species, the conclusion is that the climate patterns in the Papuk area at that time suggested a tropical to subtropical climate.

Different species of myrtle, laurel, cinnamon and willow inhabited the coastal parts of the lake, while species that preferred less humid habitats, such as eucalyptus, ziziphus and bog-rosemary spread deeper inland. Forests of pine and oak dominated hilly terrains.
Changing plant communities reflect climate changes over time. Specifically, floristic elements change from tropical climate patterns represented by cinnamon trees, to subtropical patterns represented by myrtle, laurel, and fig, as well as to moderate patterns represented by willow, oak and pine, suggesting a gradual cooling. This type of vegetation and climate is typical of the Lower and Middle Miocene Epoch, as evidenced by the "television weather forecast for one day in the Miocene".